DUBLIN: Go City Pass Locations
Popular Attractions
Guinness Storehouse

🟢 Explore the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin. Stand in the world's largest pint glass atrium, delving into seven stories of Guinness Heritage. At Gravity Bar on the seventh floor, enjoy 360 degree views of Dublin. Visit the vast souvenir shop for mementos. Experience the magic of brewing perfected over 250 years, from the touch of barley to the distinct flavours of Guinness. It's not just about beer -- it's about a unique culture, and heritage.
If there is an experience you want to try that comes at a cost, I would recommend that you do it, and power through the rest of the experience. We loved the "STOUTie" experience and found it well worth the 4 EUR cost of admission for one pint to sit relaxed in comfort, one floor below the Gravity Bar. The gift shop is great, and lucky us, the cookbook we took home covered everything we learned at the Guinness Storehouse and more! The best thing is that each recipe we've made so far has been awesome.
Jameson Distillery Bow St.