Your Personal Broadway Guide!
Your one-stop-shop to figuring out your best Broadway options for the best prices!

Need help figuring out which Broadway show to go see? Broadway offers 50-60 options at once and it can get confusing trying to find the best priced tickets, the best shows, and the best times to go see them! But don't stress at all. I'm here to help. I've seen every show on Broadway and have been giving recommendations for years! Let me be your personal Broadway guide with exclusive tips and tricks to getting the best tickets to the hottest shows with the biggest names and the best soundtracks!

Check out my other guides on here first and then feel free to reach out with questions! I'm always here to help!

How it works: I will arrange a 15 minute phone or video call with you to get to know your preferences (musical versus play, your personal budget, what you've seen in the past, must-see shows, etc.) and get you started with a couple of recommendations on what shows to consider! You'll have access to me via email as well and I'll provide you with the best ticket apps and websites to secure the best ticket prices for your personal budget!

Once you book, I'll reach out within 1-3 business days via email and we can set up a time to chat! If you prefer to talk over email, text, or Whatsapp, just let me know and we can do that as well!

Let me be your Broadway guru! To reference a current Broadway musical, Beetlejuice, let's make your trip to the Great White Way a "sucks-yes" ("success")!

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I've seen every show on Broadway and I'm here to give you the best tips for your Broadway experience!
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Your Personal Broadway Guide!
Your one-stop-shop to figuring out your best Broadway options for the best prices!

Need help figuring out which Broadway show to go see? Broadway offers 50-60 options at once and it can get confusing trying to find the best priced tickets, the best shows, and the best times to go see them! But don't stress at all. I'm here to help. I've seen every show on Broadway and have been giving recommendations for years! Let me be your personal Broadway guide with exclusive tips and tricks to getting the best tickets to the hottest shows with the biggest names and the best soundtracks!

Check out my other guides on here first and then feel free to reach out with questions! I'm always here to help!

How it works: I will arrange a 15 minute phone or video call with you to get to know your preferences (musical versus play, your personal budget, what you've seen in the past, must-see shows, etc.) and get you started with a couple of recommendations on what shows to consider! You'll have access to me via email as well and I'll provide you with the best ticket apps and websites to secure the best ticket prices for your personal budget!

Once you book, I'll reach out within 1-3 business days via email and we can set up a time to chat! If you prefer to talk over email, text, or Whatsapp, just let me know and we can do that as well!

Let me be your Broadway guru! To reference a current Broadway musical, Beetlejuice, let's make your trip to the Great White Way a "sucks-yes" ("success")!

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I've seen every show on Broadway and I'm here to give you the best tips for your Broadway experience!
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Powered by Thatch: Where great trips are made.
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Powered by Thatch
The home for unique & authentic travel
Powered by Thatch: Where great trips are made.
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