Local guide to 5 days itinerary in Bucharest
The most complete guide to visiting Bucharest from a local 🎯
In this guide you will find the best tourist attractions you can check on your list while being in Bucharest. You can choose how many of them you want to visit based on your interests or how many things you want to fit in a day.
The 5 days are split to have the attractions close to one another so you can follow them in the order found in the list. Because they are close, you can do most of them by foot. Nevertheless, check the distances yourself and see if it's worth to take public transportation between them. I marked the ones that definitely need so!
You will find information about what can only be admired from outside, which attractions could be visited (and if it's worth it). If you want to visit the museums, it would take more time and you might not fit all the attractions in one day, so you can also request a consultation if you need more help!
Currency & payments 💸
The local currency is RON or LEU (LEU singular, LEI plural). It is the only accepted currency although you might see some things shown in Euros, only some POS might have the option to choose EUR to pay.
Card and contactless payments are accepted almost everywhere so I recommend to only take some change for tips, parking or entrance to some activities where "the POS is not working at the moment".
Weather 🌞