Piazza del Popolo

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What people say

Monica Mikhail
"Piazza del Popolo is a large square located in the northern part of Rome. The name "Piazza del Popolo" means "People's Square" in Italian. The square is known for its impressive architecture, historical significance, and stunning views of the city. One of the main features of Piazza del Popolo is the famous Obelisk of Ramses II, which stands in the center of the square. The obelisk is over 3,000 years old and was brought to Rome from Egypt in ancient times. Surrounding the obelisk are four fountains, each designed by a different artist. Another notable feature of Piazza del Popolo is the twin churches of Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto, which stand on opposite sides of the square. The churches were built in the 17th century and feature stunning Baroque architecture. Piazza del Popolo is also home to the Porta del Popolo, an ancient gateway to the city that dates back to the Aurelian Walls of the 3rd century AD. The gate is flanked by two towers and is decorated with sculptures and reliefs."
"Qui è dove viene girata la scena finale della pellicola in cui vengono giustiziati sulla ghigliottina i due protagonisti. Il film si conclude con l’inquadratura della targa che ancora oggi commemora sulla piazza l’esecuzione dei due carbonari e che così recita: “ALLA MEMORIA DEI CARBONARI ANGELO TARGHINI E LEONIDA MONTANARI CHE LA CONDANNA DI MORTE ORDINATA DAL PAPA SENZA PROVE E SENZA DIFESAIN QUESTA PIAZZA SERENAMENTE AFFRONTARONO IL 23 NOVEMBRE 1825 – L’ASSOCIAZIONE DEMOCRATICA G. TAVANI ARQUATI PER VOLONTÀ AMMONITRICE DI POPOLO QUI POSE – 2 DI GIUGNO 1909“. L’inquadratura si sposta mostrando prima porta del Popolo e poi piazza del Popolo come apparivano ovviamente al tempo della realizzazione del film, ovvero nel 1969."
"Is a grand and expansive plaza located at the northern entrance of Rome's historic center. It boasts stunning architectural landmarks, including the twin churches of Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli, as well as the towering Egyptian obelisk at its center. If you are un for a climb you can also go visit the Pincio Gardens where you'll have a stunning view of Rome from above"

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