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Arce de Viaje · @Bravellers
Lives in Santander, España
·ENGLISH BELOW· Dejé mi trabajo fijo para cumplir un sueño: Recorrer TODOS los países de América. Especializado en Centroamérica. Viajo solo y low-cost desde que cumplí los 18 años. Desde entonces, no he parado. Llevo +40 países visitados. Trato de evitar los lugares o zonas más turísticas para poder mezclarme mucho mejor con las culturas locales, aunque también visito y conozco las atracciones principales de cada destino. Además de mi vida viajera, estudié y trabajé dentro del sector turístico durante años. Puedes seguir mi día a día viajero en Instagram o TikTok (@Bravellers). Comencé este capítulo de mi vida el 9 de agosto de 2023. En YouTube podéis ver mis inicios desde 0, con las típicas dudas que todos tenemos ante nuestros sueños... ¡Y aquí estoy! ¿Me acompañas en mi aventura? ENGLISH: I quit my job to fulfill a dream: Visit EVERY country in America. Specialised in Central America. I've been traveling alone and low-cost since I turned 18. Since then I will not stop. I have visited +40 countries. I try to avoid the most touristy places or areas to be able to mix much better with the local cultures, although I also visit and get to know the main attractions of each destination. In addition to my traveling life, I studied and worked within the tourism sector for years. You can follow my daily traveling life on Instagram or TikTok (@Bravellers). I began this chapter of my life on August 9, 2023. On YouTube you can see my beginnings from 0, with the typical doubts that we all have about our dreams... And here I am! Will you join me on my adventure?
Adventure • Backpacker • Budget • Slow Travel • People & Culture • Nature • Backpackers • Overlanding • Digital Nomads

DIY your trip to Quetzaltenango with guides
and itineraries by local experts

In Guatemala, every day is a new adventure. Picture yourself working from a cozy café in the colonial city of Antigua, surrounded by cobblestone streets and colorful facades. On weekends, you could be hiking up active volcanoes, exploring chaotic local markets, or diving into crystal-clear waters. The country’s diverse landscapes—from rain forests and serene lakes to rugged mountains and black beaches—offer endless opportunities for exploration and inspiration. This guide is a 1-month itinerary for digital nomads, taking you from Xela, to Lake Atitlán, to El Paredón, and Antigua where you can hike the volcano Acatenango, then pursue your journey north to Semuc Champey and Flores. I did this trip in May 2023 and would recommend it to everyone. Just an insight in how I build this guide. It is based on my experience, I was traveling with my partner. We were working from Monday to Thursday and would travel in the weekends. I will add the following sign 🏠, to the places we stayed but I will also add a cheaper option and a more expensive option, that I found either on hostelworld, or Airbnb with good reviews. Legend: ❤️- Highly recommend (the more hearts the more I loved it) 🏠 - The places I stayed 💻 - Restaurant you can work from 💵= Budget 💵💵 Mid-Budget 💵💵💵High Budget If you have any question do not hesitate to book a consultancy or send me a DM through instagram: Also, if you book through the links I added I will earn some commission this will not add costs to you but will give me some extra earnings. Thank you in advance and I hope you will enjoy Guatemala as much as I did.
Digital Nomads • Couples • Adventure • Budget • Slow Travel • Foodie
Reasons to visit
Adventures Await: Top Travel Destinations in Quetzaltenango
Quetzaltenango, commonly known as Xela, is a captivating city in the highlands of Guatemala. This charming destination offers a blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and historical significance that delights every traveler. From volcanic landscapes to vibrant markets, here’s a summary of the top areas you must visit in Quetzaltenango and why.
Cerro El Baúl
Cerro El Baúl is a natural park and one of Quetzaltenango's most iconic landmarks. Rising to an elevation of 2,740 meters, this forested hill offers stunning panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscapes. Whether you’re hiking or driving up the winding road, the serene environment and well-maintained trails make it a fantastic spot for outdoor enthusiasts. The top of Cerro El Baúl is crowned by a giant stone statue of Tecún Umán, a Quiché Maya hero, adding cultural depth to your visit.
Central Park (Parque Centro América)
Located in the heart of Quetzaltenango, Central Park is a bustling hub of activity, brimming with historical and cultural significance. The park is surrounded by stunning neoclassical buildings, including the Quetzaltenango
Stunning mountain scenery, vibrant indigenous culture, and thermal hot springs, ideal for adventure seekers and cultural explorers.
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