3 Best places to eat Pastéis de Nata
These custard tarts called Pastéis de Nata/Belém are sweet from the Gods!
3 Places • ago
Pastéis de Belém
The best sweet you'll ever eat. A sweet from Gods! One is never enough...
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Pastelaria Aloma
These Portuguese custard tarts have already won a prize!
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I am a Portuguese native speaker who was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and love creating digital content about that city. I would like to share my knowledge about the city with everyone who wants to have a great time in Lisbon! I will offer: Personalized Itineraries - $20 Tips - $10 guides - $30 Videos with important information about certain places - $10 And more... Let me guide you to the perfect trip to Lisbon.
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3 Best places to eat Pastéis de Nata
These custard tarts called Pastéis de Nata/Belém are sweet from the Gods!
3 Places • ago
Pastéis de Belém
The best sweet you'll ever eat. A sweet from Gods! One is never enough...
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You can't miss this one!
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Pastelaria Aloma
These Portuguese custard tarts have already won a prize!
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I am a Portuguese native speaker who was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and love creating digital content about that city. I would like to share my knowledge about the city with everyone who wants to have a great time in Lisbon! I will offer: Personalized Itineraries - $20 Tips - $10 guides - $30 Videos with important information about certain places - $10 And more... Let me guide you to the perfect trip to Lisbon.
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