Detailed Itinerary
1 Save • ago
$50/day, planned itinerary. Best for travelers who want a detailed daily itinerary! It includes activities, hotel options, restaurants, bars, and cafes!
What's included
Digital Map
Fully interactive, digital map for finding places nearby
Let me help you plan your adventures around the world! I’m a full-time solo traveler and have an audience of over 100,000 following my travels. I specialize in solo travel around the world, mid range or budget travel, and have extra special expertise in the USA, Iceland, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, Guatemala, and Peru!
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Detailed Itinerary
1 Save • ago
$50/day, planned itinerary. Best for travelers who want a detailed daily itinerary! It includes activities, hotel options, restaurants, bars, and cafes!
What's included
Digital Map
Fully interactive, digital map for finding places nearby
Let me help you plan your adventures around the world! I’m a full-time solo traveler and have an audience of over 100,000 following my travels. I specialize in solo travel around the world, mid range or budget travel, and have extra special expertise in the USA, Iceland, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, Guatemala, and Peru!
Where great trips happen, effortlessly.
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Where great trips happen, effortlessly.
Start taking great trips with less stress in three easy steps.
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Browse Thatch’s marketplace of unique trip plans designed by verified travel creators with their insider tips and recommendations.
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