The Best Places to Eat & Drink in Buenos Aires
55 Places • 27 Saves • ago
Buenos Aires is an absolute paradise for foodie travelers with an incredible restaurant, cafe and bar scene. Here you can find everything from luxurious steak houses to tasty street food, laid back cafes to vivacious bars, and traditional Argentine dishes to almost every other culture in between. After staying in Buenos Aires for 2 months myself, this is a list of my top recommendations for varying budgets, tastes, and needs. This guide includes: FOOD ✨ 7 Argentinian Restaurants and Parillas ✨ 5 Best Places for Pizza and Pasta ✨ 4 Yummy Quick Bites ✨ 8 Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants ✨ 4 Restaurants of other cultures to mix things up DESERTS AND CAFES ✨ 3 Best Ice Cream Parlors ✨ 8 Delicious Cafes serving amazing coffee and deserts ✨ 2 Tea Houses DRINKS ✨ 4 Wine Bars ✨ 4 Cocktail Bars ✨ 2 Rooftop Bars ✨ 4 Nightclubs Most every place is within neighborhoods tourists frequent such as Palermo, Recoleta, Villa Crespo, San Telmo, Retiro & Monserrat.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maps are simple lists of places often grouped by themes, categories or geos.
Recommended for travelers who want to DIY their day with a curated list of places to explore at their own pace.
What's included
Digital Map
Fully interactive, digital map for finding places nearby
55 places
55 hand-picked places with notes from the creator
1 link
1 link from the creator to go even deeper with more info
Hey there! I'm a solo traveler and adventure blogger who's spent over a year exploring South America spending months in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile & Argentina. I share guides, maps, and itineraries for you to learn how to best explore these South American countries with everything there is to offer including adventurous experiences, tasty food recommendations, and beautiful destinations. My travel tips very much reflect the type of traveler I am, which is someone who loves to eat trying all types of food and is a major coffee addict. I also love nature and will hike anywhere for the best views although I may feel like I'm dying n the process. I'm constantly curious to learn more about local culture and history, and I'm passionate about making memories worth being written in a book. My trips are almost always solo, and fluctuate between backpacker budget and treating myself. If you can relate to any of this, I think you'll love my recommendations! Please contact me if you'd like custom itineraries & travel consultations, I'm happy to help! Email: Instagram: @carolinerosetravel Website:
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The Best Places to Eat & Drink in Buenos Aires
55 Places • 27 Saves • ago
Buenos Aires is an absolute paradise for foodie travelers with an incredible restaurant, cafe and bar scene. Here you can find everything from luxurious steak houses to tasty street food, laid back cafes to vivacious bars, and traditional Argentine dishes to almost every other culture in between. After staying in Buenos Aires for 2 months myself, this is a list of my top recommendations for varying budgets, tastes, and needs. This guide includes: FOOD ✨ 7 Argentinian Restaurants and Parillas ✨ 5 Best Places for Pizza and Pasta ✨ 4 Yummy Quick Bites ✨ 8 Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants ✨ 4 Restaurants of other cultures to mix things up DESERTS AND CAFES ✨ 3 Best Ice Cream Parlors ✨ 8 Delicious Cafes serving amazing coffee and deserts ✨ 2 Tea Houses DRINKS ✨ 4 Wine Bars ✨ 4 Cocktail Bars ✨ 2 Rooftop Bars ✨ 4 Nightclubs Most every place is within neighborhoods tourists frequent such as Palermo, Recoleta, Villa Crespo, San Telmo, Retiro & Monserrat.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maps are simple lists of places often grouped by themes, categories or geos.
Recommended for travelers who want to DIY their day with a curated list of places to explore at their own pace.
What's included
Digital Map
Fully interactive, digital map for finding places nearby
55 places
55 hand-picked places with notes from the creator
1 link
1 link from the creator to go even deeper with more info
Hey there! I'm a solo traveler and adventure blogger who's spent over a year exploring South America spending months in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile & Argentina. I share guides, maps, and itineraries for you to learn how to best explore these South American countries with everything there is to offer including adventurous experiences, tasty food recommendations, and beautiful destinations. My travel tips very much reflect the type of traveler I am, which is someone who loves to eat trying all types of food and is a major coffee addict. I also love nature and will hike anywhere for the best views although I may feel like I'm dying n the process. I'm constantly curious to learn more about local culture and history, and I'm passionate about making memories worth being written in a book. My trips are almost always solo, and fluctuate between backpacker budget and treating myself. If you can relate to any of this, I think you'll love my recommendations! Please contact me if you'd like custom itineraries & travel consultations, I'm happy to help! Email: Instagram: @carolinerosetravel Website:
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