Milano center (an insight from a local)

Discovery the best gems in the center of Milano! There are so many things to see in Milano, which I have recognized to be as unmissable, which is why in this small guide there are tips with a route oriented in the city center with places to eat, museums to visit and places to discover. Summary: - Introduction - The weather - The budget - The center - From the center to the LEFT - From the center to the RIGHT Hope you enjoy it 😊
23 Places • 1 Save • ago


In this brief guide I aim to offer tips for visiting my small but wonderful city. Discovering little hidden corners, just next to the iconic ones.

Milan is an extraordinary city, the center of which I recommend visiting mostly by walking, both to realize how many extraordinary things there are to see in just a few square meters, and especially not to miss anything.

Milan is recognized by Italians as Italy's economic capital (along with the Veneto region), but in size it could never come even close to Rome (Italy's capital). Reason why I assure you that is by walking that you can enjoy its magnificence and ice cream breaks, whenever you feel like it.

The Weather

In the Fashion's City, you enjoy all four seasons. So I recommend checking the weather before leaving.

Although it is a magnificent city every day of the year; in winter along with the most stylish coats, you will also observe quite cold and cloudy weather; in summer the temperature can reach quite high heat peaks. So I recommend going there during the "in-between" seasons, that is, autumn and spring.

Personally, I am a great lover of the spring season, and I must say that in any case for cold weather lovers, it is not difficult to fall in love with Milan at Christmas.

The Budget

This city is not known for being one of the cheapest: it is the city of fashion! There are some of the most expensive places in the world. We could say we are looking at the most expensive city in Italy, and that is exactly why I am here! To recommend the most incredible experiences alongside the most popular places with little tourist insight and without the need to empty your wallet.

Depending on where you go there are more expensive and less expensive places as far as food is concerned; but do calculate that places like nightclubs and rooftops tend to always be a bit pricey.

The bus ticket costs around 2.5 euros (roughly the price of a small ice cream) and I recommend buying at least two on the first day in case you need them, or get tired of walking (I don't recommend the subway in the center, mainly because of the amount of people and stress you come into contact with! Not the best travel companions when on vacation! 😉)

In this city, famous for this very reason, you can not fail to experience the "Aperitivo"; and the most typical of all is the "Spritz" which ranges from 15 to 20 euros, and can be enjoyed in two versions "Aperol" or "Campari" (let me know which one you are rooting for!).

The Center

La Cattedrale del Duomo

To begin our journey I would start with the most iconic of sites to visit in my city: the Duomo of Milan.

Cathedral Square
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This majestic cathedral is the most impressive and grandiose historical-religious monument, of our enchanting city. Great affluence from all over the world flows into the interior of this marble work of art, which is also possible to observe from above, thanks to the rooftop paths that have been created in recent years, and which bring the visitor right up to a step away from the "madonnina"; a symbol extremely beloved by all Milanese.

Maio Restaurant
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Terrazza Duomo 21
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Two of the best views of the cathedral can be found at the top of the Rinascente "Maio Restaurant" and at the top of the Camparino "Terrazza Duomo 21." These two terraces aside from being two incredible places for the view, they are also renowned for the delicious aperitifs you can enjoy!

(I recommend making reservations at least a day in advance to make sure you get a seat).

La Galleria di Vittorio Emanuele

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
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Inside the gallery, aside from shopping and Amorino's ice cream, there is a tradition for everyone who enters. Turn with your right heel on the bull's balls, which is a mosaic depicted on the floor of Vittorio Emanuele Square. Three turns for a little luck.

I 12 Gatti
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The 12 Cats represents a restaurant on the city's rooftops, allowing a unique view of the Galleria dome. Both getting there, between hidden passages and dark doors, and dining there gives the impression of being part of an underground community of Milan's elite. All while eating the delicious great classic of Italian cuisine: PIZZA!

What if...

(👈) To the left of the Galleria

Panzerotti Luini
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Mr. Luini's panzerotti made the mouth water for all those who passing by could not help but taste them. Mr. Luini represents one of the "big" of Milan's culinary tradition, and I guarantee that once you smell them you can't help but go inside!

Hoepli International Bookshop
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For my humble tastes as a book devourer, I affirm that the best variety of books, considering among Italian and foreign ones: is without a shadow of a doubt Hoepli. Big five-story building where the words in the texts communicate between different languages and cultures. Perfect for anyone trying to learn Italian from any source language.

As you leave Hoepli, heading left you go to one of the places less known to tourists but more spectacular: Palazzo Visconti.

One of the places most renowned by lovers of the "old money" style for special occasions: wedding proposals, birthdays, corporate dinners, ... to get lucky they might be organizing a concert at the very same time you are in Milan.

Palazzo Visconti di Modrone
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Heading up north, deciding to go on foot or by subway (my advice is to walk as much as possible in a small city with as many things to see as Milan) you can find "Montenapoleone" area, which for some might remind you of the famous "via Monte Napoleone," and in fact it is exactly that! Called one of the most expensive streets in the world. I wouldn't recommend this kind of shopping to everyone, I myself don't venture there for the shopping; but rather for what seems like so many little diamond worlds looking at each other through the eyes of the guards who, almost in a line, prevent the passage of the ill-intentioned. 

Via Monte Napoleone
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The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum is a little gem tucked away in one of the narrow streets of Via Monte Napoleone. Spectacular Museum of Neo-Renaissance art that also contains depictions of the culture and history of the great families and acquaintances of Milan's greatest families.

Bagatti Valsecchi Museum
(che vediamo anche in un'altra guida della città) 😉
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Always following North as your direction, you leave the Montenapoleone area and head towards Brera, which since the Academy of Fine Arts was established there, has become one of the best nightlife spots, where you can find some of the city's most characteristic restaurants and buildings. It would not be unusual to meet some fortune teller on the street who offers to tell your future. I dread it, but it could be an unusual and somewhat unique experience.

In this narrow area there are a never-ending number of places to visit!

These are just a few of my favorites!

Brera Botanical Garden
This garden forms part of the Università degli Studi di Milano overlooking the back of the Brera Palace. Admission is free and a magnificent space to take a break from the long walk, surrounded by nature.
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Pinacoteca di Brera
The Pinacoteca holds some of the best known of paintings by Caravaggio, Raphael, Piero della Francesca, Mantegna and many others (including one of my favorite paintings, "The Kiss" by Hayez). For art lovers, visiting Pinacoteca gallery is like discovering a fresco that was being hidden by another. Absolutely not to be missed!
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Palazzo Citterio
Inside Palazzo Cittorio we can see a considerable variety of styles, generations, artistic movements; which are presented in rooms with different styles and architecture. An immersive experience that gives us a view of the changes in art through the history of Milan, inside a 19th-century palace.
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After so much art, it would not shock if tiredness takes over, which is why I also have some culinary tips to refresh you! 😉 One of my favorite places is undoubtedly Osteria della Musica. The only restaurant in the area to have live music that literally addresses the customer as if it were part of the walls and streets of Brera. A unique experience where while enjoying and conversing, the music makes us feel part of the city.

Ristorante con pizza & Live Music
L'Osteria della Musica
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Deciding to end the evening with the great Italian dessert: ice cream! With a walk of less than ten minutes to dispose of the dinner, one can be directed to "OGGI gelato," one of the best Italian gelato shops: whereby the craftsmanship of the product is reflected in the flavor. This gelato is truly the History of Italian Artisan Gelato.

OGGI - Officina Gelato Gusto Italiano - Milano
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... I went the other way.

(👉) To the right of Galleria

What if instead of turning to the Left, lured by Luini's panzerotti, we wanted to go to the Right? Well my answer would be, "How many things you would have missed and how many things you will discover!"

Right in front of you, at the end of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, you are facing Piazza della Scala right in front of the renowned "Scala di Milano"; and on your right there is the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum.

Teatro alla Scala
It is recognized as the birthplace of Italian opera where many of the greatest and most famous Italian composers owe the birth of their successes. Considered a child of "La Scala" we have the debut of Giuseppe Verdi, but history also saw Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Toscanini and even great foreign composers such as Wagner. In the winter of World War II we see the dawn of ballet among the halls of the Scala theater.
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World of Leonardo da Vinci
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As we have anticipated, we move to our right and direct ourselves to Piazza dei Mercanti from which we arrive at Piazza Cordusio and going straight ahead we can see in the distance the spectacular symbol of political power at the time of the Middle Ages and the House the Sforza family: Castello Sforzesco.

Piazza Mercanti
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Sforzesco Castle
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Upon entering the castle you can decide whether or not to take a guided tour (I have taken it, I would not consider it a "must," but for those who want to know more it is certainly an interesting tour). Enjoy the different styles from the Middle Age aerea and The Renessaince and keep walking straight ahead until you exit the castle, finding yourself in Parco Sempione.

Parco Sempione
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The perfect place to rest in the sun, catch up with friends, exercise, walk the dog, grab a bite to eat after classes are over, have a date with your sweetheart, play an instrument, read a few pages of your book, or catch up with someone you haven't seen in a long time... Regardless of the season and what you want to do, Parco Sempione is a gathering place for all citizens of Milan. Just as from the photos the two ends of the park are marked by the Castello on one side and the Arco della Pace on the other.

Arco della Pace
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The Arco della Pace is a wonderful monument inaugurated in the early nineteenth century that today is considered as a meeting place for all those who want to have a drink in one of the most famous clubs in Corso Sempione. A place that I would recommend, is without a shadow of a doubt the Jazz Cafe Milano, which in addition to offering cocktails of all kinds, is an excellent restaurant that after 23h converts into a nightclub with DJs and dancers.

Jazz Cafè Milano
Reserve in advance. (at least the day before)
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and if, on the other hand, you were hungrier from all the walking, I would offer you a relatively expensive Japanese restaurant with a menu and quality of its products that is among the most varied and the tastiest.

Misushi 2 restaurant
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Sushi, as curious as it may sound, represents one of the most common dishes in a Milanese's diet, and it is for this very reason that all around Milan there are countless sushi restaurants. One more delicious than the other!


Thank you to have read this far we really appreciate. If you enjoyed this guide, you can support us by leaving a tip, sending us feedback via our mail, and/or share it. See you soon on another adventure !

* * *
We're Linda and Maxime, a 🇮🇹-🇫🇷 couple who would describe ourselves as unstoppable. We're both adventurers in our own way. Linda has been traveling since she was very young. Since her parents owned a travel agency, she has scoured the globe and the continents. She's always on the lookout for great hotels and must-see activities; she tries out everything there is to do and is always ready with good advice! As for me (Maxime ;) ), I'm lucky enough to be able to travel around the world. A little more adventurous in my approach to travel, I'm above all the couple's culinary curiosity buff. From scorpion to pheasant shark to fertilized eggs, I taste ABSOLUTELY everything! With all this experience accumulated, we'd like to share it with you today 0:) We look forward to hearing from you, because this is the only way we'll grow <3 WE WISH YOU A LOVELY TRIP !!!! Nous sommes Linda et Maxime et nous sommes un couple 🇮🇹-🇫🇷 , nous nous décririons comme inarrêtables. Nous sommes deux aventuriers à nos façons. Linda voyage depuis son plus jeune âge. Ses parents ayant une agence de voyage, elle a parcouru le globe et les continents. Les supers hôtels et les activités à ne surtout pas manquer; elle teste touts ce qu'il y a faire et est toujours de bon conseils ! Pour ma part ( Maxime ;) ), j'ai la chance d'aussi voyager autour du monde. Un peu plus aventureux dans mon approche au voyage, je suis surtout le grand curieux culinaire du couple. du scorpion en passant par le requin faisandé ou encore les oeufs fertilisés, je goûte ABSOLUMENT tout ! Avec toute cette expérience, on souhaite aujourd'hui vous la partager 0:) On attend vos retours avec impatience car ce n'est que comme ça que nous grandirons <3 BON VOYAGE A VOUS !!!! Gollum would appreciate your PRECIOUS 💍 feedbacks at:
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Milano center (an insight from a local)

Discovery the best gems in the center of Milano! There are so many things to see in Milano, which I have recognized to be as unmissable, which is why in this small guide there are tips with a route oriented in the city center with places to eat, museums to visit and places to discover. Summary: - Introduction - The weather - The budget - The center - From the center to the LEFT - From the center to the RIGHT Hope you enjoy it 😊
23 Places • 1 Save • ago


In this brief guide I aim to offer tips for visiting my small but wonderful city. Discovering little hidden corners, just next to the iconic ones.

Milan is an extraordinary city, the center of which I recommend visiting mostly by walking, both to realize how many extraordinary things there are to see in just a few square meters, and especially not to miss anything.

Milan is recognized by Italians as Italy's economic capital (along with the Veneto region), but in size it could never come even close to Rome (Italy's capital). Reason why I assure you that is by walking that you can enjoy its magnificence and ice cream breaks, whenever you feel like it.

The Weather

In the Fashion's City, you enjoy all four seasons. So I recommend checking the weather before leaving.

Although it is a magnificent city every day of the year; in winter along with the most stylish coats, you will also observe quite cold and cloudy weather; in summer the temperature can reach quite high heat peaks. So I recommend going there during the "in-between" seasons, that is, autumn and spring.

Personally, I am a great lover of the spring season, and I must say that in any case for cold weather lovers, it is not difficult to fall in love with Milan at Christmas.

The Budget

This city is not known for being one of the cheapest: it is the city of fashion! There are some of the most expensive places in the world. We could say we are looking at the most expensive city in Italy, and that is exactly why I am here! To recommend the most incredible experiences alongside the most popular places with little tourist insight and without the need to empty your wallet.

Depending on where you go there are more expensive and less expensive places as far as food is concerned; but do calculate that places like nightclubs and rooftops tend to always be a bit pricey.

The bus ticket costs around 2.5 euros (roughly the price of a small ice cream) and I recommend buying at least two on the first day in case you need them, or get tired of walking (I don't recommend the subway in the center, mainly because of the amount of people and stress you come into contact with! Not the best travel companions when on vacation! 😉)

In this city, famous for this very reason, you can not fail to experience the "Aperitivo"; and the most typical of all is the "Spritz" which ranges from 15 to 20 euros, and can be enjoyed in two versions "Aperol" or "Campari" (let me know which one you are rooting for!).

The Center

La Cattedrale del Duomo

To begin our journey I would start with the most iconic of sites to visit in my city: the Duomo of Milan.

Cathedral Square
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This majestic cathedral is the most impressive and grandiose historical-religious monument, of our enchanting city. Great affluence from all over the world flows into the interior of this marble work of art, which is also possible to observe from above, thanks to the rooftop paths that have been created in recent years, and which bring the visitor right up to a step away from the "madonnina"; a symbol extremely beloved by all Milanese.

Maio Restaurant
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Terrazza Duomo 21
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Two of the best views of the cathedral can be found at the top of the Rinascente "Maio Restaurant" and at the top of the Camparino "Terrazza Duomo 21." These two terraces aside from being two incredible places for the view, they are also renowned for the delicious aperitifs you can enjoy!

(I recommend making reservations at least a day in advance to make sure you get a seat).

La Galleria di Vittorio Emanuele

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
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Inside the gallery, aside from shopping and Amorino's ice cream, there is a tradition for everyone who enters. Turn with your right heel on the bull's balls, which is a mosaic depicted on the floor of Vittorio Emanuele Square. Three turns for a little luck.

I 12 Gatti
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The 12 Cats represents a restaurant on the city's rooftops, allowing a unique view of the Galleria dome. Both getting there, between hidden passages and dark doors, and dining there gives the impression of being part of an underground community of Milan's elite. All while eating the delicious great classic of Italian cuisine: PIZZA!

What if...

(👈) To the left of the Galleria

Panzerotti Luini
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Mr. Luini's panzerotti made the mouth water for all those who passing by could not help but taste them. Mr. Luini represents one of the "big" of Milan's culinary tradition, and I guarantee that once you smell them you can't help but go inside!

Hoepli International Bookshop
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For my humble tastes as a book devourer, I affirm that the best variety of books, considering among Italian and foreign ones: is without a shadow of a doubt Hoepli. Big five-story building where the words in the texts communicate between different languages and cultures. Perfect for anyone trying to learn Italian from any source language.

As you leave Hoepli, heading left you go to one of the places less known to tourists but more spectacular: Palazzo Visconti.

One of the places most renowned by lovers of the "old money" style for special occasions: wedding proposals, birthdays, corporate dinners, ... to get lucky they might be organizing a concert at the very same time you are in Milan.

Palazzo Visconti di Modrone
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Heading up north, deciding to go on foot or by subway (my advice is to walk as much as possible in a small city with as many things to see as Milan) you can find "Montenapoleone" area, which for some might remind you of the famous "via Monte Napoleone," and in fact it is exactly that! Called one of the most expensive streets in the world. I wouldn't recommend this kind of shopping to everyone, I myself don't venture there for the shopping; but rather for what seems like so many little diamond worlds looking at each other through the eyes of the guards who, almost in a line, prevent the passage of the ill-intentioned. 

Via Monte Napoleone
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The Bagatti Valsecchi Museum is a little gem tucked away in one of the narrow streets of Via Monte Napoleone. Spectacular Museum of Neo-Renaissance art that also contains depictions of the culture and history of the great families and acquaintances of Milan's greatest families.

Bagatti Valsecchi Museum
(che vediamo anche in un'altra guida della città) 😉
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Always following North as your direction, you leave the Montenapoleone area and head towards Brera, which since the Academy of Fine Arts was established there, has become one of the best nightlife spots, where you can find some of the city's most characteristic restaurants and buildings. It would not be unusual to meet some fortune teller on the street who offers to tell your future. I dread it, but it could be an unusual and somewhat unique experience.

In this narrow area there are a never-ending number of places to visit!

These are just a few of my favorites!

Brera Botanical Garden
This garden forms part of the Università degli Studi di Milano overlooking the back of the Brera Palace. Admission is free and a magnificent space to take a break from the long walk, surrounded by nature.
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Pinacoteca di Brera
The Pinacoteca holds some of the best known of paintings by Caravaggio, Raphael, Piero della Francesca, Mantegna and many others (including one of my favorite paintings, "The Kiss" by Hayez). For art lovers, visiting Pinacoteca gallery is like discovering a fresco that was being hidden by another. Absolutely not to be missed!
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Palazzo Citterio
Inside Palazzo Cittorio we can see a considerable variety of styles, generations, artistic movements; which are presented in rooms with different styles and architecture. An immersive experience that gives us a view of the changes in art through the history of Milan, inside a 19th-century palace.
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After so much art, it would not shock if tiredness takes over, which is why I also have some culinary tips to refresh you! 😉 One of my favorite places is undoubtedly Osteria della Musica. The only restaurant in the area to have live music that literally addresses the customer as if it were part of the walls and streets of Brera. A unique experience where while enjoying and conversing, the music makes us feel part of the city.

Ristorante con pizza & Live Music
L'Osteria della Musica
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Deciding to end the evening with the great Italian dessert: ice cream! With a walk of less than ten minutes to dispose of the dinner, one can be directed to "OGGI gelato," one of the best Italian gelato shops: whereby the craftsmanship of the product is reflected in the flavor. This gelato is truly the History of Italian Artisan Gelato.

OGGI - Officina Gelato Gusto Italiano - Milano
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... I went the other way.

(👉) To the right of Galleria

What if instead of turning to the Left, lured by Luini's panzerotti, we wanted to go to the Right? Well my answer would be, "How many things you would have missed and how many things you will discover!"

Right in front of you, at the end of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, you are facing Piazza della Scala right in front of the renowned "Scala di Milano"; and on your right there is the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum.

Teatro alla Scala
It is recognized as the birthplace of Italian opera where many of the greatest and most famous Italian composers owe the birth of their successes. Considered a child of "La Scala" we have the debut of Giuseppe Verdi, but history also saw Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Toscanini and even great foreign composers such as Wagner. In the winter of World War II we see the dawn of ballet among the halls of the Scala theater.
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World of Leonardo da Vinci
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As we have anticipated, we move to our right and direct ourselves to Piazza dei Mercanti from which we arrive at Piazza Cordusio and going straight ahead we can see in the distance the spectacular symbol of political power at the time of the Middle Ages and the House the Sforza family: Castello Sforzesco.

Piazza Mercanti
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Sforzesco Castle
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Upon entering the castle you can decide whether or not to take a guided tour (I have taken it, I would not consider it a "must," but for those who want to know more it is certainly an interesting tour). Enjoy the different styles from the Middle Age aerea and The Renessaince and keep walking straight ahead until you exit the castle, finding yourself in Parco Sempione.

Parco Sempione
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The perfect place to rest in the sun, catch up with friends, exercise, walk the dog, grab a bite to eat after classes are over, have a date with your sweetheart, play an instrument, read a few pages of your book, or catch up with someone you haven't seen in a long time... Regardless of the season and what you want to do, Parco Sempione is a gathering place for all citizens of Milan. Just as from the photos the two ends of the park are marked by the Castello on one side and the Arco della Pace on the other.

Arco della Pace
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The Arco della Pace is a wonderful monument inaugurated in the early nineteenth century that today is considered as a meeting place for all those who want to have a drink in one of the most famous clubs in Corso Sempione. A place that I would recommend, is without a shadow of a doubt the Jazz Cafe Milano, which in addition to offering cocktails of all kinds, is an excellent restaurant that after 23h converts into a nightclub with DJs and dancers.

Jazz Cafè Milano
Reserve in advance. (at least the day before)
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and if, on the other hand, you were hungrier from all the walking, I would offer you a relatively expensive Japanese restaurant with a menu and quality of its products that is among the most varied and the tastiest.

Misushi 2 restaurant
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Sushi, as curious as it may sound, represents one of the most common dishes in a Milanese's diet, and it is for this very reason that all around Milan there are countless sushi restaurants. One more delicious than the other!


Thank you to have read this far we really appreciate. If you enjoyed this guide, you can support us by leaving a tip, sending us feedback via our mail, and/or share it. See you soon on another adventure !

* * *
We're Linda and Maxime, a 🇮🇹-🇫🇷 couple who would describe ourselves as unstoppable. We're both adventurers in our own way. Linda has been traveling since she was very young. Since her parents owned a travel agency, she has scoured the globe and the continents. She's always on the lookout for great hotels and must-see activities; she tries out everything there is to do and is always ready with good advice! As for me (Maxime ;) ), I'm lucky enough to be able to travel around the world. A little more adventurous in my approach to travel, I'm above all the couple's culinary curiosity buff. From scorpion to pheasant shark to fertilized eggs, I taste ABSOLUTELY everything! With all this experience accumulated, we'd like to share it with you today 0:) We look forward to hearing from you, because this is the only way we'll grow <3 WE WISH YOU A LOVELY TRIP !!!! Nous sommes Linda et Maxime et nous sommes un couple 🇮🇹-🇫🇷 , nous nous décririons comme inarrêtables. Nous sommes deux aventuriers à nos façons. Linda voyage depuis son plus jeune âge. Ses parents ayant une agence de voyage, elle a parcouru le globe et les continents. Les supers hôtels et les activités à ne surtout pas manquer; elle teste touts ce qu'il y a faire et est toujours de bon conseils ! Pour ma part ( Maxime ;) ), j'ai la chance d'aussi voyager autour du monde. Un peu plus aventureux dans mon approche au voyage, je suis surtout le grand curieux culinaire du couple. du scorpion en passant par le requin faisandé ou encore les oeufs fertilisés, je goûte ABSOLUMENT tout ! Avec toute cette expérience, on souhaite aujourd'hui vous la partager 0:) On attend vos retours avec impatience car ce n'est que comme ça que nous grandirons <3 BON VOYAGE A VOUS !!!! Gollum would appreciate your PRECIOUS 💍 feedbacks at:
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The home for unique & authentic travel
Powered by Thatch: Where great trips are made.
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